Angel BellyDance
Angel Bellydance is a classically trained dancer of many styles including Classical Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Lyrical, Modern Dance (Limon and Graham techniques), Hip Hop, Latin Dance, Flamenco and Belly Dance. She began her dance training in elementary school and was raised as a competition Ballet, Lyrical, Jazz and Hip Hop dancer. She then began her professional dance, modeling and acting career at the age of 18 and has had the privilege of teaching and performing in various cities such as NYC, San Juan (Puerto Rico), Las Vegas, Orlando, Denver, Los Angeles, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Miami, and Washington DC.
At the start of her career, Angel began working as a professional dancer in Puerto Rican tourism shows in hotels, resorts, casinos and cruise ships throughout the entire island. Angel was then introduced to Latin Dance and learned through extensive training by the choreographers and directors of the shows. However, the show which had the greatest influence on Angel’s cross-over (Ballet/Jazz into Latin Dance and Flamenco) was with “Juan Carlos and His Latin Traditions”, which was (and still is) the longest running show in Latin America. She was honored to perform with them for 15 years while also traveling back and forth between New York and Puerto Rico. Throughout her performance career, she continued her dance training in Ballet, Jazz and Latin Jazz in the Broadway Dance Center (NYC) where she was a faithful student of world renowned instructors such as Jhesus Aponte and the late Frank Hatchett.

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
You can’t visit Florida without expecting a Tropical storm!…and if you’re visiting as Bellydancer, that’s where Angel Bellydance steps in! Miss Angel, also been known as “The Tropical Storm” of Bellydance is mostly known in the bellydance community for her long standing career in Latin Dance which she successfully fused into her Belly Dancing and soon after created her very own signature style of “Latin-Bellydance Fusion” as well as “Reggaeton-Bellydance Fusion”.
Allow Miss Angel to guide you through this 2 hour adventurous, tropical storm by fusing Latin Dance with Bellydance as well as Reggaeton with Bellydance using various drills, techniques and short combos.
As an old-school instructor, Miss Angel always pushes seriously to strive for that “polished” look we all desire in our dancing such as elegant posture, crisp isolations, clean arm stylizations, meaningful shimmies and sassy stage presence.
Take advantage of studying with Miss Angel who's BEEN CAST IN MULTIPLE Latin and Reggaeton videos for legendary artists such as Jerry Rivera, Tito Nieves, Don Omar, Calle 13, José Nogueras, Tego Calderon, Hector the Father, Zion y Lennox, Divino, Angel y Kris, Las Guanabans...and more! This steamy workshop (which happens to be Angel's most popular class style) is designed for the Int and/or Adv belly dancer who’s now looking for versatility in their belly dance repertoire. Bellydancers do NOT need any Latin or Reggaeton dance experience for this workshop.
In addition, be prepared for LOTS of sweat & smiles because all of Angel’s workshops are a down to earth environment filled with joy, love and laughter!